I woke up excited for Angie's day off as we had planned on driving up north to visit some cool spots on the island...only the island had other plans, evidently. The rain was falling like rain can only do on a Pacific island in the humid summer, and the wind was shaking the flimsy-looking tatami mat rooms. It's a TCCOR 4 warning kind of day.
According to the military definition:
TCCOR 4: Destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are possible within 72 hours. TCCOR 4 will be continuously in effect as a minimum condition of readiness from 1 June to 30 November annually. Now is the time to stock-up on food and Typhoon Supplies.
Typhoon?? I thought that was the kind of storm that happened only in books. Being a California girl, I've never had to deal with those kind of storms. I know we get earthquakes but that doesn't really count...and the last one I remember was in '92 anyway.
So there go my plans for the day. Fingers crossed that this typhoon warning passes soon.
oh my goodness i really hope that it's not bad weather the whole time you're over there!!!!